Dissert anglais

401 mots 2 pages
GASSIE Fatona, Tl ES

Why do some people commit a suicide and what should be done to present them from doing that?

We live in the century of suicide. Many reasons push people, especially the teenagers, to put an end to their life. Why do they do that ? First, it’s sure that they feel very bad inside. The reasons can’t be counted. Mostly, they are depressed. Adults can be depressed because of problems of money : they are indebt, they aren’t satisfied of their economic situation. When someone wants something material, it becomes an obsession, and this feeling can be unbearable. It’s the problem of some teenagers, who are obsessed by all dreams created by television with all the money showed : phone, computer, mp4, video games; all became necessary. Then, it can be social problems. People can feel rejected by society or their family. Someone can be very surrounded, can have many friends and a great family, and however feel alone and misunderstood. Or, they are out of any relationship. They don’t have family or most of time they don’t have friends. This feeling can be mortal. Love is the most tragic reason. All of us know stories like « Romeo & Juliet » . The separation, divorce, the one loved who don’t love you, or loves someone else… A lot of love situations causes death.

This are three of a lot of reasons. It can be mental problems too, drug addiction. So, what should be done to preserve them from doing that ? When we know that someone feels bad and can kill one self, we must act. We can launch awareness campaign like they are showed on TV. We can help people who feel excluded : it’s free and a bit of friendship can seems a lot for this person. A mix with other peers is important too for an exchange of ideas and feelings. For people disturbed mentally or depressed, we must escort them to see the psychologist. Other treatments are helpful : group therapy, meditation, sport. One of the best way can be religion too. Suicide is not new : for

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