Histoire usa anglais

5769 mots 24 pages

Chapter 1: From the first colony (1607) to the declaration of independance (1776) → historical background of the United States of America
Chapter 2: The creation of the american federation – the Constitution of the USA (1789)
Chapter 3: Federal government vs State government
Chapter 4: The federal Congress and the president of the USA → voting in the USA
Chapter 5: The judiciary in the USA from the federal Suprem Court down to the State local juridiction
Chapter 6: The legal profession in the USA
Chapter 7: Referendum and initiative in some american States → direct democracy

Some useful websites www.whitehouse.gov www.supremuscourtus.gov www.whitehouse.net www.uscourts.gov

Reading press www.ananova.com www.newseum.org

Reading books l'anglais juridique collection Langue pour tous introduction au droit anglais et américain collection Dunod la collection que-sais-je ? Tq the american constitution, le président américain,..


Chapter 1: From the first colony (1607) to the declaration of independance (1776)

The settle of the people on the american soil ?

The creation of a new nation: American history is short, rapid contrary to our history, it longed 240 years It was the consequence of the population's movement. The first colony settled by John Smith in 1607. It was the first markland in Jamestown in virginia as a link to the united kingdom ruled by the king James Ist. The state was named virginia in memory of the queen Elizabeth the Ist dubbed the virgin queen. In the center of the united states of america you 'll find names of town named by the present indians' presence there like oklahoma, Milhaukee, Sioux falls... ( noms trouvant une origine dans les langues ou tribus indiennes ) 13 Etats fondateurs (Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts,

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